off to work

off to work
make him work for a living

Sunday, December 7, 2008


My family, I want to write my first blog on about a very serious matter. Racism is alive and well and is a horrid sin. I know we joke about it a lot and that is something I really want to fix. I was sent an e-mail comparing our presidents relative to an ape. The person that sent it did not realize that it could be taken in a derogatory way but it is just these kinds of things that cause people harm emotionally. It is important to treat all people the same and respect all race, creed and religions. With the passing of prop 8 we have established a reputation on being intolerant of anyone who is not like us and the only way we can fix that is if we reach out to all mankind, no matter how they live their lives. It is our responsibility to show love to every one even if we don’t agree with theme. It is for the lord to judge, not us. I want to have every one that knows us, of all races, say that they are the least raciest family they have ever met. “ I the lord am no respecter of persons”. Please, lets be more careful how we talk about other people and the emails we forward because the littlest things can drive people away from the church, and fuel hatred toward others. “hate is of the dark side'

1 comment:

Becky said...

I hadn't thought of it that way. I do agree with you that we need to show love to ALL people. We are all Heavenly Father's children. Good first blog Dan! Love ya!